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Cross-predictions using stacking.


  Z = NULL,
  sample_folds = 2,
  ensemble_type = "average",
  cv_folds = 5,
  custom_ensemble_weights = NULL,
  compute_insample_predictions = FALSE,
  compute_predictions_bylearner = FALSE,
  subsamples = NULL,
  cv_subsamples_list = NULL,
  silent = FALSE,
  progress = NULL,
  auxiliary_X = NULL



The outcome variable.


A (sparse) matrix of predictive variables.


Optional additional (sparse) matrix of predictive variables.


May take one of two forms, depending on whether a single learner or stacking with multiple learners is used for estimation of the predictor. If a single learner is used, learners is a list with two named elements:

  • what The base learner function. The function must be such that it predicts a named input y using a named input X.

  • args Optional arguments to be passed to what.

If stacking with multiple learners is used, learners is a list of lists, each containing four named elements:

  • fun The base learner function. The function must be such that it predicts a named input y using a named input X.

  • args Optional arguments to be passed to fun.

  • assign_X An optional vector of column indices corresponding to predictive variables in X that are passed to the base learner.

  • assign_Z An optional vector of column indices corresponding to predictive in Z that are passed to the base learner.

Omission of the args element results in default arguments being used in fun. Omission of assign_X (and/or assign_Z) results in inclusion of all variables in X (and/or Z).


Number of cross-fitting folds.


Ensemble method to combine base learners into final estimate of the conditional expectation functions. Possible values are:

  • "nnls" Non-negative least squares.

  • "nnls1" Non-negative least squares with the constraint that all weights sum to one.

  • "singlebest" Select base learner with minimum MSPE.

  • "ols" Ordinary least squares.

  • "average" Simple average over base learners.

Multiple ensemble types may be passed as a vector of strings.


Number of folds used for cross-validation in ensemble construction.


A numerical matrix with user-specified ensemble weights. Each column corresponds to a custom ensemble specification, each row corresponds to a base learner in learners (in chronological order). Optional column names are used to name the estimation results corresponding the custom ensemble specification.


Indicator equal to 1 if in-sample predictions should also be computed.


Indicator equal to 1 if in-sample predictions should also be computed for each learner (rather than the entire ensemble).


List of vectors with sample indices for cross-fitting.


List of lists, each corresponding to a subsample containing vectors with subsample indices for cross-validation.


Boolean to silence estimation updates.


String to print before learner and cv fold progress.


An optional list of matrices of length sample_folds, each containing additional observations to calculate predictions for.


crosspred returns a list containing the following components:


A matrix of out-of-sample predictions, each column corresponding to an ensemble type (in chronological order).


An array, providing the weight assigned to each base learner (in chronological order) by the ensemble procedures.


When compute_insample_predictions = T. a list of matrices with in-sample predictions by sample fold.


When auxiliary_X is not NULL, a list of matrices with additional predictions.


When compute_predictions_bylearner = T, a matrix of out-of-sample predictions, each column corresponding to a base learner (in chronological order).


When compute_insample_predictions = T and compute_predictions_bylearner = T, a list of matrices with in-sample predictions by sample fold.


When auxiliary_X is not NULL and compute_predictions_bylearner = T, a list of matrices with additional predictions for each learner.


Ahrens A, Hansen C B, Schaffer M E, Wiemann T (2023). "ddml: Double/debiased machine learning in Stata."

Wolpert D H (1992). "Stacked generalization." Neural Networks, 5(2), 241-259.

See also

Other utilities: crossval(), shortstacking()


# Construct variables from the included Angrist & Evans (1998) data
y = AE98[, "worked"]
X = AE98[, c("morekids", "age","agefst","black","hisp","othrace","educ")]

# Compute cross-predictions using stacking with base learners ols and lasso.
#     Two stacking approaches are simultaneously computed: Equally
#     weighted (ensemble_type = "average") and MSPE-minimizing with weights
#     in the unit simplex (ensemble_type = "nnls1"). Predictions for each
#     learner are also calculated.
crosspred_res <- crosspred(y, X,
                           learners = list(list(fun = ols),
                                           list(fun = mdl_glmnet)),
                           ensemble_type = c("average",
                           compute_predictions_bylearner = TRUE,
                           sample_folds = 2,
                           cv_folds = 2,
                           silent = TRUE)
dim(crosspred_res$oos_fitted) # = length(y) by length(ensemble_type)
#> [1] 5000    3
dim(crosspred_res$oos_fitted_bylearner) # = length(y) by length(learners)
#> [1] 5000    2